ImageFirst News

Monday, November 25, 2019

What do Holiday Dinners and Signage have in Common

Fancy Hams, Cheesy Potatoes, and Signs?

What goes into an impres­sive hol­i­day meal? Recipe research, buy­ing gro­ceries, food prepa­ra­tions, and final sched­ul­ing so every­thing is pre­pared and hot at the same time. It’s a lot of work and NO ONE is great at mak­ing every­thing, except for a few per­fect Grand­mas out there, if you have one, count your blessings! 

You know what is great? When Aunt Sarah shows up with her famous cheesy pota­toes and Grand­pa John brings a fan­cy ham. Why? Because it makes life eas­i­er. It both expands the capa­bil­i­ties of the host/​hostess AND makes their life easier. 

What are we get­ting at? Expand­ing capa­bil­i­ties and mak­ing life eas­i­er are our top goals here at Image­First™. We love mak­ing the lives of sign retail­ers eas­i­er by expand­ing their capa­bil­i­ties. There are many com­po­nents to every project and we’re all in” with our fan­cy hams and cheesy potatoes…wait, what? 

Let’s reign this in, shall we? 

Expand Your Sig­nage Capa­bil­i­ties with our Fan­cy Ham and Cheesy Potatoes.

Just kid­ding, no one here makes famous” cheesy pota­toes. We DO make qual­i­ty sig­nage that will impress your clients, expand your capa­bil­i­ties, and make your life easier. 

Here’s 6 Sig­nage Sides” Image­First™ Can Bring To Your Hol­i­day Dinner:

Mon­u­ment Sig­nage using rel­e­vant materials.

Bring the whole project togeth­er with a sign that match­es the facil­i­ty. Mon­u­ment signs that include ele­ments from the archi­tec­tur­al design are both eye catch­ing and respect the design. Learn more about mate­ri­als for mon­u­ment signs here.

Faux CorTen Steel for that rusty” look

With a lighter and more flex­i­ble pro­file our faux corten (it’s made from alu­minum) is an awe­some option for any sig­nage oppor­tu­ni­ty. Route it, bend it, the pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less. Learn more about faux corten here.

Solar Sig­nage for an envi­ron­men­tal impact.

Lim­it­ed elec­tri­cal access and want to show off some green ini­tia­tives? Solar is a great way to do both. Not to men­tion the pos­si­bil­i­ty of Fed­er­al Tax Incen­tives and a pay­back-ROI of 1-3 years. Learn more about solar here.

Flex Face for a BIG impact.

Great for large logos and or high wind­load installs. Learn more about flex face here.

Pro­ject­ing Sig­nage is an engi­neer­ing mar­vel and such a great use of space from a mar­ket­ing perspective. 

Design, wind loads and instal­la­tion are key to great pro­ject­ing signs. 

Learn more about pro­ject­ing signs here.

Framed inte­ri­or sig­nage that is ful­ly fin­ished, ADA com­pli­ant, and ready to install.

Anodized alu­minum frame sys­tem allows easy updates and install. Learn more about Aura and Valere inte­ri­or sign types here.

All of our din­ner guests receive exper­tise and resources: pro­duc­tion design, engi­neer­ing sup­port, prod­uct and mate­r­i­al con­sul­ta­tion. We’ve got your back.

Want to learn more or have ques­tions for us? Call or email us anytime!
641.236.1508 or info@​imagefirstsigns.​com