ImageFirst News

December, 2021

The Sign You've Been Looking For? Now Hiring!

If you've been waiting for a sign to change jobs, this just may be it! Our fun and creative team is growing and we have positions available. Join us and have some fun while making customers happy.

Are you a good fit for any of these open positions? 

CNC Oper­a­tor - Atten­tion to detail and mea­sure­ment is a must. Our CNC is the heart and soul of most every­thing we do, the per­son in charge of this must be ded­i­cat­ed and will­ing to learn. Mul­ti-Cam and Enroute soft­ware expe­ri­ence pre­ferred but not nec­es­sary. We will train you. 

Ship­ping Coor­di­na­tor -  You’re our fin­ish­ing touch guru” before our cus­tomers receive their sig­nage for install. It’s impor­tant that all com­po­nents and parts are includ­ed and safe­ly shipped. Knowl­edge of major ship­ping meth­ods and freight helpful.

Design/​Vinyl Tech­ni­cian - Logos, brand­ing, let­ters, col­ors, and siz­ing are all key aspects to this role. Mak­ing the sig­nage come to life with graph­ics from our vinyl team is key. Adobe Illus­tra­tor and Mima­ki Plot­ter expe­ri­ence pre­ferred, but we will train the right candidate.

To learn more or apply con­tact us here or email your resume with posi­tion in the sub­ject line to info@​imagefirstsigns.​com.