ImageFirst News

February 2021

Signage Designs with a Playful Purpose

2020 was a year. But here’s some fun that came out of it in the form of signage. These have quickly risen to the lead for our favorite signs of 2020.

Signage For Sitting and Climbing

How many times are chil­dren told don’t touch” and don’t climb” on things? Well, we’re here to show you sig­nage that CAN be touched and climbed on.

The sig­nage design for this type of use must be thought out in advance so the end prod­uct is engi­neered for a more hands on” experience. 

4 Ways These Signs Are Unique From Typical Architectural Signage:

  1. No sharp cor­ners, round­ed are safest.
  2. No small spaces for hands and feet to get caught in.
  3. Unique fin­ish­es such as pow­der­coat­ing or bed­lin­er fin­ish are ide­al and most durable.
  4. Spe­cial atten­tion to the struc­tur­al engi­neer­ing of the let­ters to with­stand weight, keep struc­ture of sign, aid in installation.

Climb On Signage

Our first exam­ple of this type of sig­nage that is meant to be crawl on” are 48”H dimen­sion­al let­ters cre­at­ed for ASI Sig­nage Inno­va­tions Iowa and installed at The Crew Cen­ter, a com­mu­ni­ty and activ­i­ties cen­ter in Wood­bine, IA. The let­ters are 24” thick with a spe­cif­ic design in mind, with the pur­pose of being safe enough to play and crawl on. The font is a more round­ed ver­sion that varies from their brand­ing specif­i­cal­ly for the pur­pose of hav­ing soft­er cor­ners in an effort to pro­vide more of a safe envi­ron­ment for chil­dren to play on. The fin­ish is a bed­lin­er fin­ish so appears more mat­te and is very durable for the con­di­tions and use.

*Installed pho­tos pro­vid­ed by ASI Sig­nage Inno­va­tions, Latimer Group

Signage For Sitting

Next, this pub­lic art fea­ture was designed by Art Part­ners Group in St. Louis Park, Min­neso­ta. This project, 10WE, is an office build­ing that strad­dles Gold­en Val­ley and Saint Louis Park in Min­neso­ta. The 20”H x 18”W x 96”L art pieces are actu­al­ly dimen­sion­al let­ters that dou­ble as bench­es. Each bench has a row of LED’s that shine down from under­neath the seat to illu­mi­nate the let­ter­ing. Along with the bench” sig­nage, we fab­ri­cat­ed a set of 144“H ground mount­ed let­ters with a unique design that are inter­nal­ly illuminated.

*installed pho­tos pro­vid­ed by Art Part­ners Group

Sign Design To Push Boundaries

We are see­ing more and more designs along these lines and enjoy work­ing with our clients to make these cre­ations come to life. This type of sig­nage def­i­nite­ly push­es the bound­aries of design and engi­neer­ing and the pay­off is that the final installs are always unique.

Want to push some sign design bound­aries? You’ve come to the right place. 

Shoot us an email or give us a call today!