ImageFirst News

November 2023

RGBW Modules: Elevating Your LED Signage Game

A recent project allowed us to push the limits on all things LEDs. See what we learned and download our fillable .pdf worksheet for your next project.

A recent project allowed us to push the lim­its on all things LEDs. So, we’re putting the spot­light on RGB mod­ules and shar­ing the game-chang­ing advan­tages that RGBW mod­ules could bring to your next sig­nage project. We work close­ly with Prin­ci­pal Sloan LEDs in our sig­nage and ref­er­ence their infor­ma­tion where need­ed here. 
*Down­load this fil­l­able work­sheet that you can use with your clients.*

The Basics:

What is a DMX?

DMX, or Dig­i­tal Mul­ti­plex, is the back­bone of mod­ern intel­li­gent light­ing fix­tures. It’s the dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­to­col that allows us to remote­ly man­age and con­trol the sig­nage dis­plays. In sim­pler terms, it’s the tech­nol­o­gy that trans­forms a sta­t­ic sign into a dynam­ic spectacle.

What is a Show?

In the realm of LED sig­nage, a show is the care­ful­ly orches­trat­ed assem­bly of col­ors and effects orga­nized with­in a time­line. Pic­ture a sin­gle col­or dis­play in sol­id green — it’s a show. It is a sequence of red, white, and blue shift­ing across a spe­cif­ic arrange­ment of let­ters — that’s anoth­er show. The pos­si­bil­i­ties are endless.

What Does a Master Control Do?

With this tech­nol­o­gy you’re able to have var­ied con­trols of the LEDs. There is uni­form con­trol, seg­ment­ed by ele­ment, or seg­ment­ed by let­ter, the choice is yours.

Here’s the difference:

  • Seg­ment­ed Let­ter Con­trol: This involves man­ag­ing a set of ele­ments with indi­vid­ual con­trol for each ele­ment. Imag­ine hav­ing 10 chan­nel let­ters, two pylon signs, and a build­ing bor­der prod­uct. With seg­ment­ed let­ter con­trol, each let­ter, pylon sign, and bor­der sec­tion can have its own dis­tinct col­or scheme. This opens the door to cap­ti­vat­ing dis­plays, where let­ters tran­si­tion through col­ors while pylon signs flash in a syn­chro­nized dance of red, white, and blue.

  • Uni­form Con­trol: On the oth­er hand, uni­form con­trol treats a set of ele­ments as a cohe­sive unit. If you have 10 chan­nel let­ters, two pylon signs, and a build­ing bor­der tube prod­uct, uni­form con­trol ensures a con­sis­tent col­or for the entire col­lec­tion. It’s the key to main­tain­ing a har­mo­nious visu­al expe­ri­ence across your signage.

Want the Option to Add Signs in the Future?

Using a DMX Infin­i­ty sys­tem, you can expand in the future. New fix­tures or ele­ments can seam­less­ly join the par­ty, and the pro­gram can be updat­ed to inte­grate them into the exist­ing shows. So, in a nut­shell, there is a lot of flexibility.

Shining a Light on LEDs for Signage

The world of LED sig­nage is con­tin­u­al­ly evolv­ing, and RGBW mod­ules bring a new dimen­sion to the game. With the pow­er of DMX, a vari­ety of con­trols, and the abil­i­ty to expand post-instal­la­tion, you can help ensure your client’s sig­nage can cap­ti­vate audi­ences like nev­er before. 

Don’t for­get to down­load this handy fil­l­able work­sheet to use with your clients on your next LED project.
Have more ques­tions or a project you need to talk through? Con­tact us today.