A good ‘car shampoo.’
Soft sponges/brushes.
Garden hose with a water source.
Since architectural signage, like the ones we manufacture, has an automotive-grade finish you can wash your sign like you hand wash your own car. Traditional car soaps contain wax that is helpful to preserve and protect painted surfaces. Dawn soap always works in a pinch too. Applying the soapy mixture with a soft sponge or soft brush is ideal. Don’t scrub, gently clean the sign with a nice lather. Don’t worry about getting soap where it shouldn’t be, it’s an outdoor sign, it’s meant to withstand elements. Lastly, gently rinse the sign with a traditional garden hose or some sort of light spray or rinse.
Paper Towels - never use paper towels on acrylic surfaces like lettering or anything illuminated.
High-Pressure Washer - it’s too much, don’t use it.
Corse Sponges or Brushes - use these only if you want scratches, otherwise soft is best.
Abrasive Detergents (like Comet) - Want more scratches? You got it!
Methylated Spirits, Solvents, or Acids - Only use spirits in your after-work drink, keep them away from your sign, they’re too harsh.
Always make sure irrigation systems are NOT directly hitting any signage.
Always use clean, soft, and damp cloths with mild detergents.
All painted and plastic components do fade over time. But using smart color selection, avoiding direct sunlight, and regular cleaning high quality signage can look great for years!