ImageFirst News

August 2021

New Policy: Production Design Updates - Creating More Time for Your Signage Projects

Designed to deliver your signage on time. Read about our new design policies with the goal of freeing up design time for your sign orders!

We appre­ci­ate all of your busi­ness! Because of an increase in busi­ness we are imple­ment­ing a new pol­i­cy to help our design team stay on top of all of your sig­nage design and pro­duc­tion needs. 

As of Sep­tem­ber 12021:

  • No charges for draw­ings on ordered prod­ucts, like usu­al, this hasn’t changed. 

  • We cre­at­ed a draw­ing for you, but it was­n’t ordered with­in 30 days. Clients will be billed $125/​hour for the hours of design up to that point. This amount will be cred­it­ed at the time the sign is put into production. 

  • You need a draw­ing for a con­cept, con­struc­tion, or per­mit­ting rea­sons. Just issue us a PO and we’ll advise you of hours and bill you at $125/​hour for design services.

  • Cred­it card pay­ment is expect­ed pri­or to release of the detailed con­struc­tion drawings.

Our goal is to keep the design team avail­able to meet dead­lines with your orders. Hours mat­ter, we want your projects to be man­u­fac­tured as effi­cient­ly as possible.

If you have any ques­tions regard­ing any of the points above, please email those ques­tions to info@​imagefirstsigns.​com or your direct con­tact. We’re here to help you make your cus­tomers look great!