ImageFirst News

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Minimalist Look. Maximum Impact. Discover Valere.

Anodized aluminum, ADA compliant, and a design that transcends time. Customize these signs to enhance your client's brand.

Meet, the Valere Sys­tem – the pio­neer­ing solu­tion for min­i­mal­ist inte­ri­or sig­nage. Valere signs have flat sur­faces with slim, attrac­tive shapes that tran­scend time. With a con­vex curve of three degrees, Valere signs are easy to install and sim­ple to update when new mes­sag­ing is needed.

Design Ele­ments

  • Valere sig­nage pro­vides a dis­tinct aesthetic:
  • Min­i­mal fram­ing for a clean, mod­ern look
  • Effi­cient design for greater mes­sag­ing space
  • Stun­ning accents with ver­sa­tile col­or­ing and composition
  • An array of ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed sign types to choose from

Prod­uct Features

  • All Valere prod­ucts are cre­at­ed to max­i­mize sig­nage effectiveness
  • A sophis­ti­cat­ed con­vex curve of three degrees for secure place­ment and paper insert
  • ADA com­pli­ance with raised text, Braille and appro­pri­ate spac­ing to meet guidelines
  • Sus­tain­able and recy­clable mate­ri­als for envi­ron­men­tal­ly-friend­ly disposal

Email kelly@​imagefirstsigns.​com to learn more, vis­it our web­site or go straight to our new inte­ri­or online por­tal.

Image­First. Bet­ter signs by design. Now offer­ing pre­mi­um inte­ri­or selections.