Always start with the good news, right?
Weāve just comĀpletĀed a 4,500 square foot addiĀtion which will be used for storĀage and assemĀbly. AnothĀer 1,500 square foot area is being realĀloĀcatĀed from fiberĀglass manĀuĀfacĀturĀing to a secĀondary paint and finĀishĀing area.
Due to reduced demand, mateĀrĀiĀal proĀcureĀment difficulties/āchallenges, and shelf-life conĀcerns, we are going to disĀconĀtinĀue our stanĀdard fiberĀglass prodĀucts as of July 15th.
This will include: all stanĀdard MetĀroĀpolĀiĀtan Series (M100 through M600 Series) and all MetĀroĀpolĀiĀtan Elite (Metro E) stanĀdard offerings.
While we will still have fiberĀglass abilĀiĀties they will be on a case by case basis after July 15th.