ImageFirst News

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Flex Face Hawkeye at Big 10 Stadium

Outdoor Signage and Why Flex Face Worked at Kinnick Stadium

4 Rea­sons a Flex Face Sign Was a Great Solu­tion for this Project: 

  1. Size. This sign is 22′ high by 36′ wide. At this size, using alu­minum would pro­duce mul­ti­ple seams that have the poten­tial to leak light over time. We’ll have none of that!
  2. Install loca­tion. This Hawk­eye was installed rough­ly 5 sto­ries up. Flex face is a much lighter weight option than alu­minum, lex­an, or fiberglass.
  3. Illu­mi­na­tion. The Hawk­eye will be lit from edge to edge (no trim caps). And using a 3M Panaflex sub­strate with 3M Black Dual Film (6 year war­ran­ty on these 3M prod­ucts) over­lay allows for a black face dur­ing the day and white illu­mi­na­tion at night.
  4. Envi­ron­ment. It’s installed in Iowa City. Iowa. 5 sto­ries up. It’s cold, it’s hot, and at 5 sto­ries up there is more wind speed per square foot. With this pro­duc­t’s flex­i­bil­i­ty, it can expand and con­tract as much as it needs to for the environment.