ImageFirst News

March 2021

3 Tips to Manage Multi-Location Exterior Signage

Coordinating a multi-location signage can be a breeze depending on how it is planned. As a wholesale sign manufacturer we thought we’d share these tips and a 26 location sign project currently being manufactured.


1. Sig­nage Loca­tion Analy­sis Saves Time and Money

Check, then check again the size of sign that each loca­tion can accept. So many fac­tors are at stake here: local code, exist­ing sign area, ten­ant rules, and logo size could be an issue for each loca­tion. By ensur­ing and keep­ing track of each loca­tion, time and mon­ey is saved on re-mak­ing signs if they’re the wrong size. We don’t like hav­ing to charge for re-makes when the wrong size was ordered, it’s the worst!

2. Coor­di­nat­ed Plan­ning Dials in the Sig­nage Manufacturing

All at once? One loca­tion at a time? The tim­ing coor­di­na­tion helps deter­mine the man­u­fac­tur­ing sched­ule to align with your client’s expec­ta­tions, your install team’s sched­ule and your goals. When ship­ping the exte­ri­or sig­nage should it go to one loca­tion for fur­ther coor­di­na­tion, or be deliv­ered to each final install location. 

3. Detailed Doc­u­men­ta­tion Keeps All Your Sig­nage Ducks in a Row

Keep­ing track of every­thing can be daunt­ing. Once the sign types are deter­mined and approved, it’s impor­tant to know when the site will be ready to have signs received and installed. Ensur­ing the right signs arrive at the right loca­tion at the right time is some­thing we can help you with. Pro­vid­ing this infor­ma­tion allows us to hire trust­ed ship­ping part­ners to ensure prop­er arrival for your install teams. 

How can we help? Email or call us anytime!