ImageFirst News

May 2022

3 Tips for Big Signs for Sign Companies

Visibility, attention, and branding are 3 reasons to go big on healthcare signage. Here's 3 tips when manufacturing big healthcare signage.

Hospitals, senior living, assisted living, clinics, even veterinary offices, we’ve manufactured signs for them all. This past month we went big, real big for our friends at ASI, Illinois.

This 30’ tall mon­u­ment sign was con­struct­ed in 3 pieces. Not all signs are cre­at­ed equal and when you’re going this big here’s 3 things you need to be aware of:

  1. Time­line & Trans­paren­cy. Nor­mal­ly a sign of this size would take 8-10 weeks man­u­fac­tur­ing time. How­ev­er, with the cur­rent sup­ply chain issues this project turned into 12 weeks of man­u­fac­tur­ing time. This isn’t ide­al, but pro­vid­ing trans­paren­cy on the man­u­fac­tur­ing hur­dles keeps the com­mu­ni­ca­tion open and honest.
  2. Logis­tics. Signs of this size require ded­i­cat­ed trucks with very spe­cif­ic sched­ules for final deliv­ery to any client site.
  3. Instal­la­tion. Prop­er peo­ple and equip­ment. Due to the amount of sec­tions of this sign expe­ri­enced installers have prop­er cranes, tools, and equip­ment to maneu­ver the com­po­nents and do the on site work that needs to be done to com­plete the fab­ri­ca­tion of the sign,

Want to see more on health­care sig­nage? Here’s a few Case Stud­ies worth check­ing out. 

Push­ing bound­aries and man­u­fac­tur­ing new designs is what we live for. If you have a ques­tion on this project or have a project you’re ready to push some bound­aries with, you can find us here.