Case Studies

Triumph Park: Signs of Teamwork to Make Park Signage a Reality

Collaborative Approach to Outdoor Signage Hits a Home Run for 66-acre Park.

This 66-acre park is home to 12 soft­ball and base­ball fields, prac­tice areas, con­ces­sions, an 11-acre pond, green­spaces, trails, and a 15,000-square-foot inclu­sive play­ground. This impres­sive sports com­plex and park was designed bya land­scape archi­tec­tur­al firm that pro­vides sig­nage con­cepts to our client.

Where We Start With Outdoor Architectural Signage

After eval­u­at­ing the con­cepts, we did some val­ue engi­neer­ing on the designs to find mate­ri­als that would be durable, pro­duce the look they want­ed, and save them some mon­ey. The whole project was a team effort” said Dave Watts, Pro­duc­tion Man­ag­er at ImageFirst™. 

We pro­vid­ed an esti­mate based on the quan­ti­ties of sign types and what it would take to bring it to life. Once the project was award­ed, we got to work. One thing we hadn’t antic­i­pat­ed when we orig­i­nal­ly quot­ed in 2020, was the avail­abil­i­ty of mate­ri­als at the time of pro­duc­tion. This includ­ed the alu­minum tub­ing used for the struc­ture as well as spe­cif­ic paint col­ors that were used for the project. On the fly, we adjust­ed by uti­liz­ing ven­dors that we had not pre­vi­ous­ly sourced mate­ri­als from,” said Watts.

The sig­na­ture look for the park signs are fab­ri­cat­ed alu­minum let­ters mount­ed to black alu­minum tres­tle-style struc­ture that wel­comes vis­i­tors to the park at sev­er­al entrances. The design is used on a mon­u­ment sign as well as in a 10-and-a-half-foot tall sign near the ball fields. The 20-foot wide struc­ture is the per­fect place to gath­er the team for a group pic after win­ning a big tour­na­ment. All in, the project took rough­ly 16 weeks in pro­duc­tion to com­plete and was installed by our client in time for their rib­bon cut­ting ceremony. 

Impressive Exterior Donor Wall

Anoth­er unique oppor­tu­ni­ty on this project was an out­door donor wall on one side of a struc­ture. The 88” Tall alu­minum wall mount was paint­ed 1 back­ground col­or with a 2nd col­or for the copy. (90) Ver­ti­cal alu­minum tubes are adhered to the face of the sign. Each tube is spaced two inch­es apart, cre­at­ing a cool visu­al effect as you walk by the wall. On clos­er inspec­tion you’ll see that donor names have been applied to the fins in vinyl. This design offers plen­ty of space to add donor names in the future. Below the sign, the major donors are list­ed on con­crete blocks. 

Wayfinding Signage

With 66 acres, wayfind­ing sig­nage is impor­tant. We man­u­fac­tured flag-mount­ed direc­tion­al signs and field mark­ers, and rec­om­mend­ed mate­ri­als that would ease instal­la­tion, deter van­dal­ism, and be durable enough to with­stand Iowa weather. 

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