Case Studies

Transit Center Signage in the Rocky Mountains

The town of Frisco in Summit County, Colorado gets great new signage. Home to almost 3,000 residents and serves as a hub for millions of visitors looking for outdoor adventures every year.

Signage Gives Direction to Visitors + Locals

The town of Frisco in Sum­mit Coun­ty, Col­orado is home to almost 3,000 res­i­dents and serves as a hub for mil­lions of vis­i­tors look­ing for out­door adven­tures every year. In prepa­ra­tion for this ski sea­son, we part­nered to man­u­fac­ture sig­nage for our friends at Lat­i­tude Sig­nage + Design.

The Sum­mit Stage con­nects ski areas, shop­ping cen­ters, med­ical cen­ters, and some res­i­den­tial areas in Frisco, Breck­en­ridge, Key­stone, Dil­lion, and Sil­ver­thorne. The main hub for the Sum­mit Stage is the Frisco Tran­sit Cen­ter, where vis­i­tors and locals can catch a ride to Den­ver or oth­er major cities on a Grey­hound or Bus­tang bus. Clear sig­nage for all trav­el­ers is a must-have.”

Sig­nage man­u­fac­tured for this project includ­ed mon­u­ment signs, bus shel­ter iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, dimen­sion­al let­ter­ing, post and pan­el vehic­u­lar direc­tion­al signs in mul­ti­ple sizes, pedes­tri­an direc­tion­al sig­nage, bus shel­ter iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, and mis­cel­la­neous ADA and park­ing sig­nage. Our part­ners pro­vid­ed the design and com­plet­ed the onsite installation.

The mon­u­ment signs stand 13’ tall with ¼” thick let­ter­ing, frisket paint­ed graph­ics, and direc­tion­al copy in reflec­tive vinyl. The struc­ture itself is alu­minum pan­els attached to a raw steel struc­ture that will be left to rust nat­u­ral­ly. To clear­ly iden­ti­fy each bus stop, the 16” x 65” bus shel­ter ID signs are paint­ed alu­minum pan­els attached direct­ly to the bus shelters.

Go This Way: Directional Signage

The cor­re­spond­ing vehic­u­lar wayfind­ing sig­nage stands 510” and has a com­ple­men­tary design to the mon­u­ment signs with reflec­tive vinyl. The nat­ur­al fin­ish steel post is L” shaped and frames the graph­ic pan­el in a sim­i­lar look to the mon­u­ment sign. The larg­er ver­sion of this vehic­u­lar wayfind­ing sign stands 8’ tall and includes a 3-½’ tall pan­el with frisket graph­ic and reflec­tive vinyl. 

Last­ly, the 10’ tall pedes­tri­an direc­tion­als use steel angle on a nat­ur­al steel dou­ble pole to accept ½” thick CNC cut alu­minum paint­ed pan­els with applied vinyl for the direc­tion­al copy, pic­to, and arrows. The posts are a com­ple­men­tary design with a rust­ed steel look and frame­work. The final sig­nage fits it’s sur­round­ings and is man­u­fac­tured to last in this diverse moun­tain environment

Not sure where to go from here? 

Need design ideas, mate­r­i­al infor­ma­tion, or a part­ner to man­u­fac­ture sig­nage?
Shoot us an email with any questions!