Case Studies

Signage Manufacturing for a Tall Install in the Mile High City

Quick Background

Den­ver Health’s Out­pa­tient Med­ical Cen­ter is a state-of-the-art 7-sto­ry, 293,000 square foot build­ing that allows Den­ver Health to pro­vide treat­ment at a wide range of clin­ics, urgent care, day surgery and more, all under one roof. Con­sol­i­dat­ing these clin­ics in the new Out­pa­tient Med­ical Cen­ter frees up much need­ed space around the Den­ver Health cam­pus, allow­ing the hos­pi­tal to boost pri­ma­ry care ser­vices, increase the num­ber of inpa­tient beds, and dou­ble the num­ber of oper­at­ing rooms.

Signage Engineering for Glass Installation

The biggest chal­lenge of this project was cre­at­ing the illu­mi­nat­ed logo sig­nage that would be installed on top of a glass-front building. 

Exe­cut­ing the exte­ri­or sign was a great col­lab­o­ra­tion,” says Justin Halver­son, ASI Den­ver. At one loca­tion we had to come up with a design solu­tion that would allow us to hang the sign on the glass façade. The gen­er­al con­trac­tor installed knife plates between the win­dows to sup­port a tube struc­ture. Then we fab­ri­cat­ed the sign to be installed along that struc­ture. The Image­First team was instru­men­tal in pulling off this mas­sive production.”

Care­ful plan­ning dur­ing the pro­duc­tion design phase and col­lab­o­ra­tion across sign spe­cial­ties ensured the engi­neer­ing of the sig­nage to to be spot on for a smooth install of the high-rise signage.

Map Directory & Wayfinding Signage

As part of the larg­er Den­ver Health med­ical cam­pus, the wayfind­ing sig­nage at the Out­pa­tient Med­ical Cen­ter had to show clear infor­ma­tion with con­sis­tent design. To accom­plish this, new mon­u­ment signs with maps help vis­i­tors ori­ent them­selves with the cam­pus. The maps are made from a translu­cent acrylic with a dig­i­tal print that sits inside a cab­i­net and pro­vides ref­er­ences to build­ings with clear paths to fol­low. It was impor­tant to have these maps eas­i­ly updat­a­ble for the poten­tial future growth of Den­ver Health cam­pus. The pro­duc­tion design using a dig­i­tal print accom­plish­es this.” Dave Watts, Pro­duc­tion Man­ag­er, ImageFirst™

Then, large totem-style mon­u­ment signs list the building’s iden­ti­fy­ing let­ter (relat­ed to maps) so that patrons know when they’ve arrived at the right building. 

An inter­est­ing fea­ture on the mon­u­ment signs is the sub­tle but styl­ish back­ground image. A nod to the roadmap of the cam­pus is shown in a neu­tral two-tone palette. This frisket paint­ed back­ground image real­ly ele­vates the look of the exte­ri­or sig­nage. Our exte­ri­or sig­nage man­u­fac­tur­ing team at Image­First™ real­ly hit the mark on these,” Halver­son says. 

Have a ques­tion on this project or need help bring­ing your ideas to life? 

Reach out to us any­time and check out more case stud­ies here.