Case Studies

Sammons Financial: Stilted Signage

Taking a design from concept to finish sign is what we do. These Sammons Financial Group exterior architectural signs were designed with a vintage bank teller window in mind. See how they turned out!

Custom Designed Exterior Signage

Design inspired by vintage bank teller windows with linear design intent..

The clien­t’s design team devel­oped sig­nage con­cepts that car­ried a vin­tage bank teller win­dow inspired met­al grid pat­tern through­out all of the exte­ri­or archi­tec­tur­al sig­nage. All sig­nage has a lin­ear aspect and the exte­ri­or illu­mi­nat­ed Wayfind­ing sig­nage is ele­vat­ed on a fab­ri­cat­ed steel cage base. The lin­ear design car­ries through to the inte­ri­or of the facil­i­ty as well.

Work­ing as part­ners with our client, we were able to con­sult on sev­er­al aspects of the sig­nage pack­age for effi­cient fab­ri­ca­tion while com­ply­ing with ele­gant design details. It always helps to be brought in ear­ly,” Dave Watts, Oper­a­tions Man­ag­er, Image­First Signs.

Fabricating Stilted Signage

The stilts aren't weight bearing, but it did take coordination for a slick install.

For the signs fab­ri­cat­ed 1” steel bars were used for the stilts” and alu­minum cab­i­nets on top. The stilt­ed aspects are design only. There are two 2” square steel mount­ing posts and steel plates that car­ry the weight and made installing more effec­tive. It was imper­a­tive to the design and instal­la­tion that com­mu­ni­ca­tion was clear through­out design to ensure a slick install with such a unique design. 

The ele­vat­ed signs them­selves aren’t any­thing crazy or hard for us, it’s real­ly just an ele­vat­ed cab­i­net. The full pack­age was such a nice cohe­sive design, we want­ed to ensure every­thing went smooth­ly for our client installing.” Dave Watts.