Case Studies

Rusted Finish and Big Timber Signage

Our client brought us a national members-only golf organization and their rusted finish and big timber signage standards. The goal? Provide cohesive signage across all clubs nationally.

Our client brought us designs for a mem­bers-only golf orga­ni­za­tion that oper­ates a net­work of pri­vate golf clubs in mul­ti­ple loca­tions nation­wide. As the orga­ni­za­tion has grown, it needs a cohe­sive sig­nage solu­tion for its properties.

The clubs pro­vide a home club expe­ri­ence” to their mem­bers, offer­ing pre­mier golf cours­es and first-class, on-site accom­mo­da­tions. Mem­bers can access all the clubs and are encour­aged to vis­it each. The goal was to pro­vide cohe­sive sig­nage across the prop­er­ties to keep in line with the famil­iar­i­ty for members.

Nation­al Sig­nage Standards

The sig­nage stan­dards fea­ture our faux rust fin­ish with large tim­bers, blend­ing rus­tic out­doors with a high-end expe­ri­ence. For this project, our rust­ing” process mim­ics the look of rust­ed steel on alu­minum and acrylic. The results are lighter, more durable, and cost-effec­tive (vs. steel) signs. Now, the faux rust fin­ish sig­nage has become a sig­na­ture look. The design has been used at clubs nationwide.

The 8”x8” rough cut and stained cedar posts are the com­mon denom­i­na­tor across the sig­nage fam­i­ly designs and were pro­vid­ed by our sig­nage part­ner to help keep their costs low­er. We installed all rust­ed fin­ish pan­els to ensure they were all installed accu­rate­ly before ship­ping them nation­wide for instal­la­tion.  All the main signs have rust­ed fin­ish alu­minum pan­els; these include hole iden­ti­fiers, wayfind­ing signs, street signs, build­ing iden­ti­fiers, and cot­tage num­bers. Reg­u­la­to­ry signs used the same tim­ber posts that matched the stan­dard reg­u­la­to­ry sig­nage attached. 

Rus­tic or sheik, our crew can fab­ri­cate it. Reach out anytime!