Case Studies

Outdoor Military Memorial

Transforming Memories Into An Outdoor Signage Memorial Over a decade ago, the AFA Class of 1971 had the idea to memorialize General Robin Olds. Robin Olds was a triple ace combat pilot best known for shooting down 17 enemy aircraft in the Vietnam War.

The Beginnings of a Historical Signage Project

The Air Force Academy’s beau­ti­ful cam­pus in Col­orado Springs is home to around 4,000 cadets each year. The cadets enrolled at the acad­e­my are entrenched in mil­i­tary train­ing, ath­let­ics, aca­d­e­mics, lead­er­ship and char­ac­ter devel­op­ment to forge some of the great­est fight­er pilots in the world. Like any school, their grad­u­at­ing class­es enjoy plan­ning events or donat­ing to sup­port future cadets’ edu­ca­tion and devel­op­ment. How­ev­er, the Class of 1971 had some­thing else in mind.

Transforming Memories Into An Outdoor Signage Memorial

Over a decade ago, the AFA Class of 1971 had the idea to memo­ri­al­ize Gen­er­al Robin Olds. Robin Olds was a triple ace com­bat pilot best known for shoot­ing down 17 ene­my air­craft in the Viet­nam War. In 1967, Gen­er­al Olds was named the com­man­dant of cadets at the AFA and taught fight­er pilots for four years, his last being the Class of 1971

Decades lat­er, the Class of 71 raised the mon­ey for this wall and brought the idea to life. The hard part began after the idea was formed and the project was under­way. The alum­ni pro­vid­ed text, pic­tures, and 14 pan­els mea­sur­ing 5’ tall and 10’ wide to tell the air com­bat his­to­ry through­out each U.S. war and be read­able from 6’ away.

These 14 pan­els span two sep­a­rate walls, form­ing an out­er V’ sur­round­ing the two bronze stat­ues cre­at­ed by a mem­ber of the Class of 1971. The inner V’ con­sists of 6 pan­els that dis­play the AFA code of con­duct and the AFA fight song, but the star of the show on this his­to­ry wall is the two pho­to col­lage pan­els in the mid­dle of both walls. Work­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly with our part­ners at Lat­i­tude Sig­nage + Design and Direct Embed a frame­work was cre­at­ed for each of these pan­els to be installed onsite.

Our team is hon­ored to work on any and all vet­er­an and armed forces projects. Thank you to all those who serve. 

If you have ques­tions on this project or any­thing else, con­nect with us anytime.