Case Studies

Merging Signage Techniques for Transit Signage

With specific client-directed design goals in mind, our team merged many techniques to achieve their design intent.

Transit Signage: A 5 Day Process

The good news is we just took pos­ses­sion of a brand new Shopsabre CNC router! The bad news is we didn’t have it when this project was going through the fac­to­ry. So, cut­ting two pan­els for this project takes about 6 hours on the CNC router. The two pan­els make two signs. Once cut on the CNC, the pan­els receive their 3D print­ed riv­ets and begin the faux rust stage, a three-day process. 

After a nice rust” is achieved the pan­els are masked and paint­ed with the 2nd col­or, a nat­ur­al-look­ing satin alu­minum. The dimen­sion­al let­ters are also paint­ed and secured to the pan­els at this point.

Once pan­els are dried and ready, the last stage is to receive the anti-graf­fi­ti” coat­ing. This is a spe­cial spray coat­ing that makes remov­ing any graf­fi­ti even eas­i­er than our stan­dard paint coat­ings and has a 5 year warranty. 

This intense five-day sign process hinges on the last day and the anti-graf­fi­ti coat­ing. If any­thing touch­es the anti-graf­fi­ti coat­ing dur­ing the dry­ing process the sign needs to start over. It is easy to degrade the fin­ish and can­not be fixed and must be re-cre­at­ed. Luck­i­ly, we have not had to re-cre­ate any yet…but please knock on wood quick­ly for us!

Ready to Ship & Install Signage

Once dry­ing time is achieved these pan­els are put in crates, up to 16 per crate (depend­ing on sign type size) and are shipped to the client for instal­la­tion. The signs are built with knife plates that are mea­sured and sized to fit the final struc­tures that the pan­els will be installed to.

Have questions? Want to consult on best practices?

Reach out any­time! Con­tact us now.