Case Studies

Manufacturing Eye-Catching Multi-Tenant Exterior Signage

Multi-tenant commercial signage includes custom steel "W" changeable panels and thoughtfully illuminated push through lettering.

Durable, Illu­mi­nat­ed Mul­ti-Ten­ant Sig­nage for Out­door Environments

This exte­ri­or sig­nage solu­tion for our friends at Lat­i­tude Sig­nage + Design began with the goal of cre­at­ing a stand­out, resilient struc­ture for a mul­ti-ten­ant envi­ron­ment for Wau­kee Towne Cen­ter. The fab­ri­cat­ed alu­minum cab­i­net, dou­ble-sided and illu­mi­nat­ed with white LED lights, was designed to max­i­mize vis­i­bil­i­ty at all hours. The paint­ed, stan­dard-col­ored cab­i­net com­ple­ments the sur­round­ing archi­tec­ture while keep­ing the mes­sage crisp and clear. At the top of the cab­i­net is a cus­tom W” logo that would mark the loca­tion dis­tinct­ly and is held in place with a steel struc­ture inside the main cab­i­net. This emblem wasn’t just placed on the sign; it was care­ful­ly fab­ri­cat­ed to stand out.

Cus­tom Fab­ri­ca­tion and Push-Through Acrylic Graph­ics for High-Impact Visibility

The rout­ed graph­ics on the sign are backed by 34″ clear acrylic, extend­ing 12″ from the cab­i­net for a strik­ing dimen­sion­al effect. The let­ters have a 1st sur­face opaque vinyl and a 2nd sur­face dif­fuser, giv­ing them a unique halo effect while ensur­ing the sign’s read­abil­i­ty and brand pres­ence. The result? A soft, attrac­tive glow that draws atten­tion to each tenant’s name with­out over­whelm­ing the viewer.

Ver­sa­tile Ten­ant Pan­els and Col­lab­o­ra­tive Design for Mul­ti-Brand Sig­nage Needs

Craft­ed from white poly­car­bon­ate, each ten­ant pan­el was designed to allow easy inter­changes, adding flex­i­bil­i­ty as ten­ants change. Col­lab­o­ra­tion was also key; we part­nered with anoth­er sig­nage com­pa­ny to cre­ate a cus­tom Tar­get pan­el, achiev­ing a seam­less, uni­fied appear­ance. By fab­ri­cat­ing and installing the cab­i­net in sec­tions, we ensured not only ease of trans­porta­tion but also a smooth on-site assembly.

Ulti­mate­ly, this exte­ri­or mul­ti-ten­ant sign exceed­ed expec­ta­tions, becom­ing more than a func­tion­al wayfind­ing tool. 

Here’s a few tips for man­u­fac­tur­ing big signs you may appre­ci­ate. Have ques­tions? Need help? Con­tact Us Today