Case Studies

Exterior Signage for New Cancer Institute

Sharing our partnership to provide wholesale exterior signage on this state-of-the-art cancer institute and updates to the campus because of this new 200,000 square foot building.

A brand-new $237 mil­lion state-of-the-art can­cer treat­ment and research facil­i­ty, is sit­u­at­ed on the OSF Saint Fran­cis Med­ical Cen­ter cam­pus in Peo­ria, Illi­nois. Span­ning 200,000 square feet across five floors ded­i­cat­ed to can­cer care, edu­ca­tion, and research, it con­sol­i­dates resources from var­i­ous OSF loca­tions in Peo­ria under one roof. We part­nered with our client to fab­ri­cate all exte­ri­or sig­nage. Addi­tion­al­ly, our client was tasked with devel­op­ing and imple­ment­ing a new cam­pus-wide exte­ri­or wayfind­ing sig­nage plan to enhance nav­i­ga­tion for patients and vis­i­tors not only to the Can­cer Insti­tute but also to its exist­ing build­ings. The Image­First™ team of design­ers and fab­ri­ca­tors were thrilled to pitch in. 

Brand­ing the Can­cer Insti­tute exte­ri­or entailed installing three build­ing-mount­ed logo signs. Giv­en the unique archi­tec­tur­al ter­ra-cot­ta pan­el façade, it was imper­a­tive to be thought­ful about the design and the num­ber of pen­e­tra­tions into the mate­r­i­al. In the end, the Lat­i­tude team metic­u­lous­ly sealed pen­e­tra­tions from the inside dur­ing instal­la­tion to pre­serve struc­tur­al integri­ty. Swing stages were employed for sig­nage instal­la­tion due to com­plet­ed land­scap­ing at the build­ing’s base.

Since the new build­ing’s con­struc­tion altered the entire cam­pus flow, Wayfind­ing and direc­tion­al sig­nage was added through­out the cam­pus too.

Have a tricky loca­tion for final instal­la­tion? Need a hand on design or best prac­tices. We’re here for you any­time.