Case Studies

A Giant Slide Deserves A Giant Sign

How do we fair? By making this giant sign to sit on top of the Giant Slide at the Iowa State Fair! Read more about the relocation and renaming of this popular fair attraction.

Mak­ing a big impact, the Iowa State Fair is the sin­gle largest event in the state of Iowa and one of the old­est and largest agri­cul­tur­al and indus­tri­al expo­si­tions in the coun­try and was ranked #1 for State Fairs in Amer­i­ca in 2019!

Relo­cat­ing The Giant Slide

In 2015, the Reichardt Fam­i­ly con­tributed to help­ing pre­serve the giant slide and it was also renamed. The Reichardt Fam­i­ly Giant Slide found a new home for the 2021 State Fair. The new loca­tion allows for more room for both ride-goers and onlookers. 

Giant Sign to Pair With Giant Slide

The new sign is big, bold, dou­ble-sided, and proud­ly hon­ors the Reichardt Fam­i­ly. At near­ly 30’ wide, 54” tall, and 2’ deep, this alu­minum cab­i­net sign was fab­ri­cat­ed in two sec­tions for eas­i­er (and more cost-effi­cient) instal­la­tion due to the install loca­tion being 40’ in the air. The illu­mi­nat­ed front side (slide fac­ing) is CNC cut with backed-up acrylic and dig­i­tal­ly print­ed translu­cent graph­ics. On the back­side, dig­i­tal­ly print­ed opaque graph­ics cre­ate the same design on this non-illu­mi­nat­ed side. 

There will be no mis­tak­ing the new loca­tion of this his­toric slide.

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